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Showing posts from July, 2018

Archetypal literary theory in the first 2 thirds of George Orwell's Animal Farm.

Now that I have read the first two thirds of the book or up to chapter 8 I am now applying archetypal literary theory to this book. At this point in the book many bad things have begun happening to animal farm with the consensus government being replaced by a dictatorship run by the pig Napoleon who chased his only other political rival (Snowball) off the farm. This blog post will be about all the different archetypal patterns displayed throughout the story up to this point. As there seems to be no main character and the book revolves around the entire society the main archetypes are those of the individual characters within the society. These archetypes are mostly very basic but because many of them are so different from each other they add together to form a very realistic group of personalities. They include archetypes such as the trickster, the greedy pig and the hard-worker. The pig "Squealer" who in the book acts as the trickster as he is brilliant with words ...

Reader Response Theory in the first third of George Orwell's Animal Farm

The first third of this book (or up to chapter five) has been somewhat positive with the animals on the farm revolting against there cruel masters, gaining control of the farm and creating their own utopia. This utopia however has started to show signs of corruption and some of the animals are beginning to realize that this was not the paradise they had envisioned.   This book is interesting to read because it rather obviously makes the reader relate the book  to real world events and ideas. So far, I have found that the book is relating many of its features and plot points to political events that took place around the time it was written. As the book was published in 1945 it is easy to see that the book has rather anti-communistic views as it shows how the wonderful idea of the animals banding together and creating a paradise where everyone is equal. This is like the idea of communism, however in the book it quickly gets manipulated into more of a controlling dictatorsh...

Adnan Syed is guilty

After researching more about the case and reviewing outside sources I believe that Adnan Syed is guilty for the crime.                 There are many sources such as  The Telegraph that claim Adnan’s trial was botched and that there was not enough physical evidence to convict him. Adnan also received poor legal advisement and his lawyer failed in some of her duties by not using the witness who reports that they saw Adnan in the library at the time of the crime. Due to the faults of Adnan’s lawyer Adnan will be getting a retrial and because of this and the podcast Serial many people do believe that Adnan is innocent, however I believe the opposite.                 I think that Adnan is guilty because while there is a lack of physical evidence the small amount that was provided and the statements from Jay are enough to convince m...

Star Wars is a remix

Star Wars is a brilliant and original creation however, it still used many elements and scenes from other different movies and television shows at the time. This is shown and described wonderfully in episode two of Everything is a Remix  when the video shows specific examples of scenes in Star Wars that draw heavily from other films. The beginning of the proof that Star Wars is a remix comes from common archetype that it follows. This archetypal pattern is of a hero who goes on a quest and completes specific tasks along the hero’s journey. There is an abundance of films that follow this pattern and are in this archetype. Whether the creators planned for it or not many of the same overall plot points or details that are explained in the book The Hero with a Thousand Faces written by Joseph Campbell can be seen in so many different stories. Secondly as the video points out there are many different scenes that can be traced back to previous creations made by other people. Inc...

Should grade 12 university English be a requirement for entry into all university programs?

I believe that grade 12 university English should become a prerequisite for any university course. I think that every university student having grade 12 university English would be very beneficial for both the students and the teachers. As many university courses would require you to take some basic classes including English called general education courses  therefore all students having grade 12 university English would ensure that they are prepared to succeed in all areas of their university education not just one class. As stated before having this basic English education would not only help for any mandatory English courses but for all university endeavours. A quality English education also teaches you how to take quality notes and how to successfully write down your ideas or thoughts in correct presentation or form as many courses will require well written responses to questions. Making grade 12 university English mandatory will also help students get all the requir...