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Should grade 12 university English be a requirement for entry into all university programs?

I believe that grade 12 university English should become a prerequisite for any university course. I think that every university student having grade 12 university English would be very beneficial for both the students and the teachers.
Image result for english class photoAs many university courses would require you to take some basic classes including English called general education courses therefore all students having grade 12 university English would ensure that they are prepared to succeed in all areas of their university education not just one class.

As stated before having this basic English education would not only help for any mandatory English courses but for all university endeavours. A quality English education also teaches you how to take quality notes and how to successfully write down your ideas or thoughts in correct presentation or form as many courses will require well written responses to questions.

Making grade 12 university English mandatory will also help students get all the requirements for courses with less confusion. Some students may think their field of interest will not require university English in grade 12 however many courses do require English and this can result in a successful student not getting the university course they wanted because they did not think that the field they were interested in needed a high level of English education.

Image result for classroom photoAll students having university English will also help for classes that currently do not require a high level of English however if all students had this education then those courses currently not demanding that talent could ask questions that require a more skillful English response to allow for a better understanding of both that course material and English responses.

For theses reasons, I believe that grade 12 university level English classes should be a mandatory requirement for all university programs. This requirement will greatly benefit the student by increasing their success in any university class they may be taking, regardless of if the course is related to English or not. This requirement will also allow universities to be confident in their students English abilities.


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